
+91 94956 36650


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Mon - Sat: 7AM - 7PM

Rejuvenation Packages

This is an unique therapy in the science of ayurveda. It keeps the body young and agile even after one has passed his/her youth. it helps to promote the health of the body and mind. Charaka says this therapy extends one’s lifespan by many years. It enhances one’s energy and is even known to have cured the sick. It also increases a healthy person’s mental and physical capabilities. It is known to have improved skin complexion and texture, modulates the voice and increases sensing capacity of sense organs.

The treatment involves the massage of the body with hand and foot (where necessary) by specially trained masseurs. It is done for 45 to 90 minutes per day, extending to a period of 28 days, depending on the need and physical condition of the individual.

The body massage is done with herbal oils and paste, special kizhi. It is accompanied with head massage Shirovasthi, Tharpanam, Virechanam, Dhoomapanam, Sirodhara, Sarvangadhara, Avagaham (either with oil ,medicated water, or milk, whichever is considered suitable and necessary for the particular individual), steam bath and intake of specially made food and medicines.

Benefits of rejuvenation therapy:-

  • Long life
  • Increase in memory power
  • Good health
  • Young looks
  • Glowing skin
  • Modulated voice
  • Calmness
  • Resistance to diseases

Apart from this rejuvenation therapy is beneficial in Bronchitis, Rhinitis, Allergy, Heart diseases etc,

Body slimming

Body slimming or obesity cure with Ayurveda utilizes the most natural methods to systematically eliminate unwanted body wastes, facilitates free movement of joints, strengthens muscles and facilitates better blood circulation. body slimming sees a possible weight reduction of 2-3 kilos in 1 week. The package includes Udvartanam Herbal steam bath Vasti Ayurvedic Lifestyle & Nutrition Consultation The treatment control the rate of fat metabolism first and then begin removing the deposited amount of fat from the body. The medicines help the fat melt faster and maintain the balance of vata-pitta-kapha. They prevent the formation of fatty acids in the muscles and liver. They increase the heat associated with metabolic fire which is responsible for the digestion of food.

Purification Therapy (Shodhana Chikitsa)

Our food habits, daily routines, climatic variations etc., can cause the accumulation of toxins inside the body that can lead to the imbalance of the tridoshas. In addition to the body’s natural mechanism to get rid of these toxins, this Body Purification Therapy is for purifying the whole body to attain proper balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. This package is based on the Snehankarma, Swedanakarma, and Panchakarma treatments. The 15 day package process include body massages, snehapanam, Nasyam, Virechanam (medicated purgative), Snehavashti, Dhara, pizhichil, Karnapoornam, Tarpanam, Sirovasti and internal herbal medicines.

Longevity Therapy & Immunization (Kayakalpa Chikitsa)

This is the prime treatment in Ayurveda for reducing ageing processes, arresting the degeneration of the body cells and increasing the immunity of the body. Giving RASAYANA (very special Ayurvedic medicine) internally is the main part of this programme, along with the Panchakarma and Swedakarma treatments. This treatment is best effective if taken before the age of 60, for either sex. The degenerative diseases of joints are characterized by pain, stiffness and swelling.

Ayurveda can help in improving flexibility and strength of the muscles surrounding the joints through oil massages, medicines, regular intake of ayurvedic ghee preparations etc. These treatments have no side effects even when followed on a long term basis. Sedentary habits and unnatural stress can make the body more prone to nervous breakdown, insomnia, headaches and other disorders. To prevent this from happening, the body needs to be revitalized and rejuvenated. The body can be made more active with the help of different ayurvedic oil massages and heat applications.

The oil massages and heat applications open up the pores of the skin leading to greater perspiration. The perspiration cools up the entire body and also leads to the efficient working of the four channels of elimination i.e. Skin, Kidney, Lungs and Bowels. As a result of this, the body is cleansed from inside, causing better circulation and greater pull by contracting the muscles. The bones becomes firmer and the joints, stronger and flexible. Stronger bones and flexible joints help in the smooth functioning of the system.

Ayurvedic Skin & Beauty Care

The secret of youth and beauty is the proper circulation of vital life fluids and the regular discharge of waste materials. Exposure to dirt, pollution, toxins, sunlight with a diminishing ozone layer, stress etc can affect the skin, making it dull and lifeless. For a great skin, regular skin care is essential. An ayurvedic skin care programme can be an effective anxiety-reliever and also a beauty therapy to combat the ravages of modern living. The skin care programme includes cleansing, nourishing and protecting the skin.

Ayurvedic cosmetics used include herbs, flowers, essential oils and naturally occurring minerals, which work together to bring balance to the totality of the individual body, mind and spirit. Cleansing massages are done using herbal powder or paste, which improves circulation, soothe, heal and bring a glow to the complexion.